All About Gloss meters
Gloss meter application and use:
A gloss meter is a device which is used to measure specific reflection.
Are gloss meters important in manufacturing?
It is in the best interest of a car manufacturer to use a gloss meter so that their products have gloss levels which are guaranteed to be appealing to prospective car buyers. The meter is used to determine gloss levels of different auto mobiles’ parts including the steering wheel, chrome fittings, paint for the bodywork panels, plastic interior finishes, and others. They are used in various stages of manufacturing to ascertain whether the components are above par. Also, they are utilized when the different components come together as a finished car to make sure that the car appears homogeneous.
Who use gloss meters?
Companies in the manufacture of paints and coatings also use gloss meters in various stages. The entire formulation-manufacture-application process is dotted with evaluations with gloss meters. Only by doing so, can the company be sure that there are fewer products which do not pass quality control at the end of the manufacturing process.
Companies processing natural stone come up with products with a variety of finishes. Some stones are left textured and matt in appearance. Others, like marble, have a smoothed polished look and great sheen. Gloss meters are highly useful to determine and achieve the gloss level that one needs.
The printing business also need gloss meters. Glossy magazine covers and advertisement pages, company brochures, promotion and deluxe packaging materials all need to be UV varnished and laminated to achieve a chic, sophisticated texture and look.
What are gloss meters used for?
You can paint, coat, varnish, or stain furniture in levels ranging from ultra matt to the strongest gloss. Gloss meters are used to make sure that products belonging to one batch are consistently glossed. They are also employed to check that application and drying of the coating is done according to standards.
Components and products made of metal go through plating, finishing, and polishing to enhance their appeal, as well as to protect them from being corroded or from wearing out before their time. Gloss meters are used to control quality.